
What is an Integration Platform?

In this article, we will discuss the definition, importance and components of the integration platform.

Definition of Integration Platform

There are many departments and operations in a business such as sales, accounting, supply chain, warehouse, marketing. One or more systems are needed to manage the transactions taking place in each department. At the same time, these systems consist of systems that exchange information and provide data flow. As the number of applications used by the business increases, it becomes difficult to establish communication between them. For this reason, businesses need to connect all their systems, applications and data. The integration platform was designed to meet this need.

Integration platform is a solution that helps to develop integration, strategy and API between different systems. In other words, the Integration Platform connects different applications, systems and data sources. Thus, businesses automate their workflows and obtain a single source of truth from different systems.

The Integration Platform also enables employees to easily exchange data between systems and quickly access the information they want. For example, the integration platform helps employees connect, transform their data, route messages, and more. In this way, the workload of the employees is greatly reduced and the risk of error is minimized.

Why is the Integration Platform Important?

Enterprise applications such as accounting software, customer relationship management systems (CRM), enterprise resource planning (ERP) and supply chain management systems (SCM) are used as different business systems to perform specific processes and tasks for each organization.

Integrating all business systems, applications and web services brings many benefits to businesses. These benefits are;

  • Increasing the efficiency and performance of the enterprise,
  • Ease of operations,
  • It has accurate data to enable better and informed decisions.

Integration platforms also provide a secure way for businesses to access and manage the data they need to comply with industry regulations.

Components of the Integration Platform

Integration teams today need to provide components that fit both traditional and modern integration styles. At the same time, these components need to be integrated with the features offered by the integration platforms. There are some important components to consider when evaluating the performance of integration platforms:

  • Application Programming Interface (API)

The Application Programming Interface (API) is the most common style found in modern integration. The API provides an interface for developers to build custom applications or integrate existing applications.

  • Data and Application Integration

Siloed data is one of the most important challenges businesses face in the digital transformation process. The ability to copy and synchronize data contributes to finding solutions to many problems such as data formats and standards of enterprises. In addition, automation is used in data and application integration. This makes the process much simpler and easier.

  • Messaging Infrastructure

Messaging infrastructure enables to communication and carry information between different applications and systems. Also, this component supports both synchronous and asynchronous messaging, allowing users different types of requests and responses.

  • Data Conversion Services

Data conversion services convert data from one format to another to allow interoperability of data between different applications on the integration platform. Thus, data from two or more different applications can work together.

  • Data Management

Data management ensures that the data in the system is properly managed, stored and used by the right people.

  • Security services

Security services provide security services such as authentication and authorization. Thus, this component maintains the integrity of the exchanged data. In addition, the security services component ensures that only authorized users can access the data on the platform.

  • Monitoring and Reporting

This component monitors the performance of the integration platform and provides feedback on how well it is working and if there are any issues that need to be addressed.

Difference Between iPaaS and Integration Platform

The Integration Platform (iP) is a platform that connects applications, data and processes. It automates the integration of all the applications and data a business uses.

iPaaS (Integration Platform as a Service) is a cloud-based platform that provides an easier and more cost-effective way to integrate applications, data, and processes. Unlike an integration platform, iPaaS solutions are offered as a service and require less customization and setup. iPaaS solutions are often used to quickly connect applications, data, and processes in the cloud.


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