
SAP AI Services; Document Information Extraction

Nowadays companies, encounter in their daily operations with numerous digital and written document. Getting accurate data quickly from documents such as invoices, order forms, receipts and contracts is critical to improve efficiency. Document Information Extraction solution of SAP AI Services, helps companies save time by automating and reducing errors. In this blog, we will analyse the features of the Document Information Extraction solution of SAP AI Services and how companies can use this technology.

Features of the Document Information Extraction Solution of SAP AI Services

SAP AI services support the implementation of customer-specific use cases with powerful algorithms that are specifically tailored to business problems.

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Automate Information Extraction

By automating the extraction of information from business documents, you can facilitate the processing of relevant documents. The Document API takes document files as input and returns line items with header fields as structured data. Thus, need for manual data entry reduces and document processing processes increases. As a result, companies can boost their operational efficiency and lower their error rate to a minimum.

document information extraction

Two Editions

Document Information Extraction has two editions. One of them the original Base Edition and other the new genAI-based Premium Edition. While Base Edition presents standard information extraction capability, genAI-based premium edition uses more advanced technologies through the productive AI center on SAP AI Core.

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Premium Edition extracts more complex and detailed information with high accuracy from whatever document that is using a large language model. You can also check this website for supported languages. The results are also successful in Turkish documents, you can see an example below.

Supported Document and File Types

Document Information Extraction allows you to extract various file types such as PDF or JPEG, PNG and TIFF and supports these document types; invoice, paymentAdvice, purchaseOrder, businessCard, deliveryNote, resume and birtCertificate. In addition to them, you can create your own custom schema to process other document types.

Data Enrichment with Metadata

You can also enrich your extracted data with your metadata. In this way, you can obtain raw data from the content of the document and make it more useful with specific to your company.

data enrichment with metadata

Access Methods for Document Information Extraction

You can access the Document Information Extraction service through multiple methods to suit your needs. The service is accessible via the user interface (UI), allowing you to visually manage and process your documents with ease. Additionally, the Python SDK provides a flexible and powerful way to interact with the service, using Python's capabilities to create custom solutions and streamline your document management tasks.

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In conclusion, the feature of the Document Information Extraction solution of SAP AI Services is a powerful tool that enhances the efficiency of document process to the company. By automating the extraction of relevant information from multiple document types, this solution reduces manual data entry and minimises errors, improving operational efficiency. With two versions, Base and genAI-based Premium, organisations can choose the level of forwardness that best suits their needs, whether it's standard information extraction or advanced capabilities using large language models. The ability to support a wide range of document and file types, together with the option to enrich extracted data with metadata, makes this solution highly adaptable to specific business requirements.

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