
Message Metric Calculations SAP Integration Suite

The number of messages is a critical criterion for financial management, resource allocation, performance monitoring, capacity planning, compliance and optimization in SAP Integration Suite, and its effective management ensures that integrations are cost-effective, efficient, and scalable.

What is a Message?

A message is an electronic communication sent or received through Cloud Service features. If the size of the message exceeds 250 KB, it is charged as an additional message for each 250 KB slice exceeding 250 KB. This metric is a standard metric for monitoring the usage of all features of SAP Integration Suite.

Why Message Count is Important?

Licensing and Cost Management: SAP Integration Suite uses the message count as the basic metric in licensing and billing processes. Each tenant is limited to a certain message quota according to the subscription plan. Exceeding the quota may lead to additional costs. Therefore, monitoring the number of messages is essential to keep costs under control.

Resource Management: The number of messages indicates the resource utilisation of the system. High message counts require more memory and processing power. It is important to monitor the number of messages to use resources efficiently.

Performance Monitoring: The number of messages helps monitor the performance of integration flows. Sudden increases can be a harbinger of problems or changes in business activities.

Capacity Planning: Message counts help predict future needs and scale the system appropriately.

Compliance and Reporting: In some industries, data changes need to be tracked and reported due to regulatory compliance requirements. Message counting can be used to meet these requirements.

Optimisation and Efficiency: By analysing message counts you can optimize integration flows and reduce costs.

What is Simplified Metering?

Integration Message: It is a message processed with Cloud Integration, API Management or Open Connectors features of SAP Integration Suite. If a message is larger than 250 KB, it is counted as an additional message for each 250 KB slice. 1 integration message counts as 1 transaction.

Edge Message: It is a message processed through the Edge Integration Cell runtime of SAP Integration Suite. If a message is larger than 250 KB, it is counted as an additional message for each 250 KB slice. 2 edge messages are counted as 1 transaction.

Event Message: It is a message processed with the Event Mesh feature of SAP Integration Suite. If a message is larger than 250 KB, it is counted as an additional message for each 250 KB slice. 100 event messages are counted as 1 transaction.

Now, let's examine a few examples containing the information mentioned above:

Simplified Measurement
Simplified Measurement2

Important Notes

In the context of Cloud Integration, the total size of all transmitted messages with one or more receiver adapters is taken into account for the message count. When editing integration packages offered in SAP Business Accelerator Hub (if possible), all messages are counted even if the respective scenarios represent only SAP-to-SAP integration.

In the realm of API Management and Open Connectors, each API request and the size of the payload are factored into the message count.

In the context of Event Mesh, only outbound events are considered for message count.

In the context of Splitter Usage, if a splitter is used in integration flows, each separated outbound message is counted as a separate message through the receiver adapter.

In the context of Synchronous Call, it is a request to another system that returns the payload to be processed. In this case, status data is not measured (e.g. HTTP status codes, JDBC response, etc.).

Message Count in Cloud Integration:

  • In each integration flow execution, the sizes of all outgoing messages through all receiver adapters are combined and taken into account for the message count.
  • Each combined message size up to 250 KB is counted as 1 message. If the message size is larger than 250 KB, the excess is counted in 250 KB slices to determine the total number of messages.
  • If a response is received, the size of both the request and the response is taken into account.
  • You can determine the number of messages by dividing the combined message size by 250 and rounding the result up to the next whole number.

Need to Know:

  • If the size of the input message to the receiver adapter is 120 KB and the final message leaving the receiver adapter is 130 KB, 120 KB is taken into account for size measurements.
  • Each outgoing message separated by splitter is counted as a separate message through the receiver adapter. For example, a 210 KB message is split into 3 messages, each of which is 70 KB, giving a total of three messages.
  • If your integration flow retries message delivery in case the receiving system is unavailable, each retried message is counted as a separate message.
  • Messages sent through JMS and Process Direct receiver adapters are not included in the message count.
  • Sub-processes are counted according to the above criteria for outgoing calls using a receiver adapter.


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