
Delayed Delivery Update for EWM Inbound Deliveries

Business Example 

When the final putaway is done for material for inbound delivery, there can be a need to take the reverse of the goods receipt. It is possible to reverse goods receipt even if the final putaway is done whether the material has an HU or not by defining a delay duration via Correction of Confirmation with a related exception code.  

Maintain the configuration settings necessary to perform a delayed delivery update. 

1. Define Delay in Completion of Inbound Delivery for your warehouse number. 

a. In customizing for SCM Extended Warehouse Management, go to Extended Warehouse Management → Goods Receipt Processes → Inbound Delivery → Define Delay in Completion of Inbound Deliveries

Define Delay in Completion of inbound deliveries

b. Choose New Entries.

c. Enter the related Warehouse Number in the Warehouse Number field.

d. Enter INB in the Document Type field.

e. The deliveries which have the same document type can be separated based on Item Type but in our case, it will not be used.

f. Choose Relevance at Header Level for Status Relevance.

g. Enter your time frame for the Completion Delay field, Tolerance for Completion Delay field, and Delay in Job Rescheduling for Setting DWM Status

h. Choose Save.

new entries_overview of added entries

2. Define the exception code DIFD in your warehouse number. 

a. In customizing for SCM Extended Warehouse Management, go to Extended Warehouse Management → Cross-Process Settings → Exception Handling → Define Exception Codes

define exception codes

b. In the Create Exception Codes segment, choose New Entries.

c. Enter Warehouse No., Exception Code DIFD, and the Description as Charges for Inbound Delivery.

Exception Code DIFD, and the Description Diff. as Charges for Inbound Delivery.

d. Choose Save.

e. Choose the entered row and open the Define Exception Code segment.

f. Choose New Entries.

g. Enter Business Context TPT Confirm Warehouse Yask(Putaway), Exec. Step 02 (Desktop Product Warehouse Task).

TPT Comfirm Warehouse Task (Putaway)

h. Choose Save.

i. Open the Maintain Process Parameters.

j. Choose New Entries.

k. Enter Int. Proc. Code DIFF and press enter.

l. Select Diff. Cat. Difference As Changes for Inbound Delivery.

m. Choose Save.

n. Open the Delivery Adjustment in Case of Differences.

o. Choose New Entries.

p Enter Item Type ****, Process Code I001, select Adjust Whse Request Adjust with Difference Quantity, and Save.

3. Change the status profile for DWM status. 

a. In customizing for SCM Extended Warehouse Management, go to Extended Warehouse Management → Cross-Process Settings → Delivery-Warehouse Request → Status Management → Define Status Profiles. 

b. Choose the related Status Profile that is used for the Item Type for Inbound Delivery Process. In this scenario, /SCDL/INB_PRD_DLV_STANDARD which represents standard item for inbound delivery is used.

c. Open the Status Types segment.

d. Remove the ‘Inactive’ column’s click for DWM Status Type.

e. Choose Save.

4. Define Number Range for Object Name /SCWM/VAR for Delay. 

a. Enter T-Code: SNRO. 

b. Enter Object Name /SCWM/VAR.

c. Choose Internal Editing. 

d. Choose Edit Invervals

e. Enter Number Range 01, From No. 00001000000000, To Number 00009999999999.

5. Reverse a Goods Receipt with Correct the Confirmation and Update the Delivery 

Reverse a goods receipt by correction the confirmation and updating the delayed delivery items without HU.

a. Open the EWM inbound delivery document, choose the Goods Receipt, and check whether the Goods Receipt status turns into Completed

b. Create and Confirm a warehouse task for final putaway. 

c. On the same screen, choose Correct the Confirmation and open the Product WT in a Form View.

d. Delete the Act. Dest. Qty and enter Exception Code DIFD

e. Choose Save.

f. Check the Material Document List for the material T-EW01-##. It shows the reverse goods receipt movement typ

SAP EWM Consulting


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