
Everything You Need To Know About XRechnung

We have put together frequently asked questions (FAQ) about XRechnung for you. With the help of the following answers, you can find out more about XRechnung in general terms.

What is XRechnung?

The XRechnung standard represents a national version of the European standard EN 16931. In Germany, XRechnung is a standard and file format for electronic invoices. It is used for invoices to authorities (B2G). The XRechnung can be used to specify the contents of the bills and thus continue to work electronically. Since it is binding for many companies and suppliers, the use of XRechnung is spreading rapidly.

When did XRechnung Start to be Implemented?

XRechnung is based on Directive 2014/55 / EU of April 16, 2014, which was established by the European Union for B2G bills. On September 6, 2017, XRechunung was determined by means of the e-invoice regulation in Germany. From then on, the highest federal authority and constitutional organs had to be able to receive electronic invoices. Then it continued with other federal clients and public institutions at the state level. Finally, XRechnung has come up with the fulfillment of the respective obligation or requirement for the use of electronic invoice data in Germany.

When is XRechnung Necessary?

From November 27, 2020, the electronic invoices submitted to the authorities must be sent in XRechnung format if the total order value exceeds € 1000.

Who is Under the XRechnung Obligation?

Electronic invoicing is already mandatory in many countries. The XRechnung particularly affects many companies in Germany that have a relationship with all public institutions and authorities. From November 27th, 2020, the companies and suppliers who submit invoices to the public authorities must send the invoices as XRechnung, so companies must convert their invoices to the new XRechnung format.

What is the file format of Xrechnung?

An XRechnung is an XML-based invoice format, so the extension of the XRechnung documents is .xml and therefore, a pure structured data record. Also, XRechnung traces back to Directive 2014/55 / EU and the EN 16931 standard and implements all the requirements for invoicing.

How can XRechnung be Created?

You need software from the service provider to create the XRechnung documents. We as the MDP Group offer you the services called XRechnung Viewer and XRechnung Generator so that you can create, convert and implement your invoices.

Which Regulator Regulates XRechnung?

The coordination office for IT standards (KoSIT) developed and is still regulating the XRechnung. As a data exchange standard, XRechnung is operated by KoSIT on behalf of the IT planning council. In addition, KoSIT coordinates and designs the further development and redesign of XRechnung.


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