
What is SAP MII Energy Monitoring and Analysis?

One of the biggest costs of a product is the cost of energy spent in the production phase. Businesses look for ways to manage their costs in the most efficient way to maintain their competitiveness. In order to achieve this, the energy costs created by the product or order must be followed instantly and accurately in a production line. SAP MII provides instant data and more visibility by recording the energy consumption of enterprises in certain periods.

Definition of SAP MII

SAP MII, short for SAP Manufacturing Integration and Intelligence, is a SAP application that helps to collect and synchronize data on production processes. SAP ERP similarly functions as a data center between operational applications, while also providing analytics and workflow tools to identify production process issues and improve performance.

SA MII Energy Monitoring and Analysis helps manufacturers gain greater visibility by helping to identify issues and take corrective action. SAP MII enables to collect and analyze energy data in multiple facilities and to identify areas of energy abuse. SAP MII tracks energy use for electricity, gas, water and more energy sources, not just one type of energy. Thanks to SAP MII features, companies have the opportunity to reduce their energy costs and improve their environmental performance.

Benefits of SAP MII Energy Monitoring and Analysis

  • Creates a hierarchy for the business center, equipment, machinery, facilities and all other areas, and instantly generates a report for the energy consumed.
  • SAP MII collects energy usage information from different data points.
  • It prevents businesses from consuming too much resources by providing data-based information on energy use.
  • It provides regular monitoring and monitoring of the energy consumption coming from the data collection nodes.
  • Automates data collection processes thanks to sensors.
  • It has a user-friendly interface.
  • Provides reporting by collecting data on energy use across production units.

What are SAP MII Energy Monitoring and Analysis Templates?

There are four different templates in the SAP MII Energy Monitoring and Analysis user interface.

  • Production Event Templates

It is a template created to obtain energy data according to the production event.

  • Production Event Maintenance

It includes the collection and reporting of the energy data used in the production area according to the production event.

  • Shift Pattern Maintenance

It is the collection and reporting of energy data used in production activities according to shifts.

  • Tariff Maintenance

It is the collection and reporting of energy data used in production activities according to tariff and cost.


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